Sunday 10 July 2016

Individual reflection - Chia Wei Qian

What was the most interesting proposed used of biomimicry that was developed in blog? Why?

There are a lot of people having pets in their own life as their greatest partner, family member, soulmate or best friends. Mostly people pets choices are mammals like puppy or kitten and there's also less favorable amphibian such as fresh water turtles. It is a very good experience for us to has a chance to adopt a fresh water turtle as a pet and biomimicry study on him. Most interesting still the turtle shell study. The turtle shell can mimicked and developed into different kind of real life solutions. I was surprised that high potential mimicry and development of the shell turtle throughout the studies. It is the reason why blog development is interesting. 

Do you think that your design is patentable? Is it unique enough to be approved?

The design is pantentable. Turtle shell consider one of the most hardest biological structure among all the animal species. The mechanical properties of turtle shell can be mimicked to form new biological or non-biological material which can be well performed in withstand high physical impact or pressure driven such as body armor, automotive, aerospace and other fields. A harder but less denser material mimic from turtle shell may has a high market value and advancing technology to a new level. 

Did you think that working as a team made this project easier or harder? Why?

It is definitely good idea for the working work as a group. More manpower and different ideas came from different brains to make this blog more interesting. Especially thanks to Vincent Khaw that put a lot of effort in this blog management and proposing great idea. The most significant and valuable post is the I-beam modification which has a high social impact on modifying one of the most common products in market. 

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